Local Anesthetic ● Occlusion ● Laughing Gas ● Pain Management ● Sealants ● Fillings ● SDF ● Crowns ● Extractions ● Spacers
Local Anesthetic (numbing medication)
Your child will be numb for 2-4 hours after treatment. We recommend a soft diet until numbness sensation is gone. Often young children do not understand the effects of local anesthetic and may chew, scratch, or suck on the numb lip, tongue, or cheek. These actions may cause minor irritations or they can be severe enough to cause swelling and abrasions to the tissue. Please watch them closely. If they injure themselves, Motrin/Tylenol will provide pain/swelling relief until healed.
Occlusion (your child’s bite)
After the placement of any dental restoration your child may feel that their bite is different. This typically will adjust and feel back to normal again in 24-72 hours. If discomfort persists, please contact the office. Your child’s restoration may need adjusted.
Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)
Nitrous oxide is a short-acting, mild sedative that was used to relax and calm your child during treatment. Nitrous oxide is absorbed rapidly allowing for quick onset and recovery (2-5 minutes). Your child was placed on a 100% oxygen flush at the end of the procedure eliminating any nitrous oxide in their system. Normal activity may be resumed after the appointment as dictated by any other procedures your child has had.
Pain Management
Your child may experience sensitivity after a restoration (filling) or crown is placed as well as tender and sore gums. Sensitivity and soreness may linger 24-72 hours. We recommend Tylenol or Ibuprofen to help alleviate any discomfort after care. If sensitivity persists, please contact the office.
Pit and Fissure Sealants (protective coatings)
Your child can eat and drink immediately after sealant placement. Avoid sticky, gooey food as well as chewing on ice or hard candies. These foods may pull off or damage the sealant. We will check your child’s sealants during each of their exams to ensure the sealants are present and intact.
Resin Restorations (white fillings)
Your child can eat and drink immediately after treatment. We ask that they avoid sticky, gooey foods and biting on ice or hard candies. These foods may pull off or damage the restoration. Dark colored foods and drinks such as tea and dark sodas may discolor the restoration. Also, resin restorations are unable to be bleached or whitened. Your child can brush and floss the area as they normally would, but expect some bleeding for 1-2 weeks following their dental surgery.
Silver Diamine Fluoride treatment (SDF)
Following application of the SDF, a fluoride varnish was placed over the medication to leave your child with a better taste in their mouth as opposed to the metallic taste of the silver. Fluoride varnish feels sticky to the child. Please have your child avoid eating/drinking for 1 hour following SDF placement and do not brush their teeth the night of placement.
Stainless Steel Crowns
Your child may have tender or sore gums around the newly placed crown and the area might bleed slightly. Avoid sticky, gooey foods as they can dislodge the crown. If dislodging/removal occurs please call our office so we can recement the crown promptly. Have your child brush and floss the crown as they normally would, but expect some bleeding for 1-2 weeks following their dental surgery.
Extraction (removal of tooth)
Avoid rinsing, spitting, or straws for the first 24 hours. All of these activities have the potential to disrupt the healing blood clot. Expect the area to ooze on and off for the first 24 hours. This is normal. However, if the area is actively bleeding have your child bite down on a piece of damp gauze or damp washcloth with pressure for 20 minutes. Avoid acidic, spicy, and crunchy foods. These types of foods can irritate the extraction site. We recommend low key activities for the remainder of the day. Activities that raise the heart rate may cause the area to bleed. Your child should brush normally; however have them avoid brushing over the area of the tooth socket for 1-2 days.
Space Maintainers (band and loop, distal shoe, nance, lower lingual arch)
Your child may have tender or sore gums around the newly placed spacer as well as soreness in the general area from pressure placed on the tooth ligaments. Ibuprofen is recommended to alleviate this discomfort. Have your child avoid sticky, gooey foods and watch to make sure that your child is not playing with or picking at the spacer with their tongue or fingers. This may dislodge or un-cement the spacer. If this occurs, please call our office so we can recement the spacer promptly.”